Do you really believe “God will make a way?”

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On my walk this morning I was challenged as God put an old song in my head:

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me

He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way

Lyrics from God Will Make A Way

And I was challenged with the question of, “Do I really believe that? Am I living and trusting God in a way that my actions equal my belief?”

I was to scream, “Yes!” but in reality, it’s much easier said than done. But I can and I will and I do believe it. So now, all that’s left to do, is trust!

Are you living in a way that your actions are matching your belief and what you say or think to be true, but are you living in that belief when push comes to shove? Or are you still doing whatever you can, and scheming and planning, to make sure you’re still the one in control.

Tough questions. But I’d love you to join me in putting our faith into action and trusting that the God who gave us these dreams and desires will make them come to fruition as He sees fit, if we trust that he loves us enough to honor his word and promises.

And He never fails.


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