The Relief is in the Rain. How to relieve the stresses and pressures of life [VIDEO]


Got caught in an unexpected downpour a mile in to my morning run today. I knew it was humid, but didn’t expect the skies to open up!

But let me tell you, it felt so much better afterwards! The humidity had reached a point that the clouds had to form precipitation and release the rain.

And it got me thinking, this is exactly how it is in life. When the stresses or emotions of life build up to a breaking point, somethings got to give!

And I realized, just like the morning rain,

the relief for ourselves is also in the rain.

The rain of our tears finally flowing down to relief the internal pressure. And that’s how we were designed, and that’s how it’s supposed to be! We need to let those emotions out and turn into tears, or cries, or anything that is going to relieve the pressure.

Now of course not letting your emotions get out of control to treat others negatively or harm another being, but to cry out to God who wants to hear from you and wants you to acknowledge that you need Him and want His help and/or guidance.

I encourage you today to not let the stress of life to build up to a breaking point. Turn first to God for knowledge, wisdom, guidance and to be honest about what you’re going through. The God who created you and loves you wants to hear from you.

Connect with Him today and let the rain fall.

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely

with joy and peace because you trust in him.”

Romans 15:13 (NLT)

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