Are you a victim of life or living in the fullness God has available for you?

This is one of my most straight-to-the-heart chats that cuts to the core of the happiness we experience, or lack thereof, in life.

I’ve been working through a 30 day personal improvement self-created challenge to really get myself to a better place physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Because I know we were created for more.
You are. I am. He is. She is.
They are. We are.

So why are so many of us roaming through life with constant dissatisfaction and to put it plainly, unhappiness?

God has created us with the ability to think, learn, grow, change, move, reason and love. If you find yourself unhappy in ANY circumstance or area of your life, it’s time to take action TODAY to make a change.

You’re fully capable, it’s just a choice. You can choose any time. Why not right now?

Stay and sulk the way things are, or create a change (internally and externally) and begin removing the gunk and negativity around you, revealing the beauty that is apparent everywhere you look!

If you open your eyes to see it.

And the beautiful thing is, you can do that RIGHT NOW. Click the video to hear my full message. Your happiness depends on it!

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This is from Day 17 of my personal 30 day challenge and it’s been an incredible ride.

If you make the commitment to start changing areas of your life for the positive, I’d love to meet, encourage and support you. Join me at my free Facebook group: Worth To Be Me.

See you there!


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