Healthy Eating Sabotage – How To Beat It Once and For ALL!

Eating healthy can be hard sometimes! Especially if you don’t plan ahead, or there’s an unexpected office party, and for goodness sake the holiday temptations will be at every turn in less than a month!

Sometimes what we need is a perspective shift.

In this video I talk about just that. The perspective shift that’s needed to make navigating those sugary temptations or going on that run so much easier!

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Click to watch video.

Stepping into our calling and responsibility to care for our bodies as the temples of the Holy Spirit they were created for is the most noble of job descriptions we can fulfill.

And that’s the key phrase, “we CAN fulfill.”

It can be done.

And it starts today.

With a decision.

With a calling.

With owning the responsibility.

With stopping the self-sabotage.

With taking joy in God’s creation.

With making better choices.

With choosing to plan ahead.

With choosing to pass the drive-thru.

With taking joy in eating from the earth.

With showing love to your body by keeping it active and healthy.

With each little decision adding up to a healthier body and a healthier you.

I hope you took the 5 minutes to watch the video above, as I’m truly sharing from my heart what each of us are capable of. If not, take that time right now.

Stepping into a healthier lifestyle is really answering the call to love our bodies and show that love to God through our actions.


"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Cor. 6:19-20


P.S. Wanting more step-by-step actions you can take to recognize and overcome healthy eating sabotage? You’re invited to join me on a free Live call this Thursday, 11/5/15 @ 7pm PST where we will go into specifics on how to recognize healthy eating sabotage, and how to stop it!

I look forward to sharing these nuggets on inspiration and wisdom with you to help you succeed on your path of caring for the body God has entrusted to you to the best of your ability.

P.P.S. How to get the access to the Live call:

  • Leave your email in the comments below -or-
  • Email “Live call” to

>>Bookmark your calendars for THIS THURSDAY 11/5/15, 7pm PST. See you there!

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