How the voice in your head is MAKING or BREAKING you

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We’ve all head of self-talk, but how hard are you trying to put yours in check?

And how are we REALLY supposed to change years of thoughts, input, ingrained sayings, family patterns, habits and messages from the world around us…how much can we really control and regulate that?

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about the challenges of weight loss, juggling motherhood, work, life in general and how and when are you supposed to eat right, prepare ahead and exercise, for heaven’s sake!

Some things I started to notice were the nonchalant phrases of “it’s going to take me forever” or “life is so busy I just can’t do it all” or “it’s impossible to….” and it really began to become apparent to me that the problem was not as much overwhelm, excuses or lack of motivation–the was simpler than that.

It started with a thought.

And that thought gets repeated enough that the brain literally begins to believe it--starts to act on it–starts to see “evidence” of it’s validity everywhere we go. Therefore it reiterates to us that it MUST be true.

Not so. Have you heard Henry Ford’s classic quote:

“If you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

Our thoughts are things.
Let me say that again: Our Thoughts are Things.

So yes, if you tell yourself you’re never going to be good enough, it’s never going to happen, it’s going to take too long, there’s too few hours in a day, life is too busy to make your health a priority and on and on and ON….then YES. You’re correct. If you don’t like that reality, then it’s also in your power TO CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS. To put a new spin on it. To begin to see life in a new, more positive, supporting and opportunistic way, and when you do….guess what?You’ll begin to see it materialize at first in little ways, then in bigger ways, then eventually everywhere you turn and everywhere you look, and every thought you think will be supporting and spurring you on toward your goals and toward the reality of your new thoughts.

But it STARTS with the thoughts in your mind first.

So being aware of them, learning to censor and weed out the negative ones, transforming them consciously into positive ones…over and over and over until it finally sinks in….will begin to transform your life, your outlook and your goal achievement–but it all starts with that little sneaky voice inside your head…

>> Final thought: If thoughts are things, how well are yours serving you today? If you’re not happy with your outcomes and your current reality, start by regulating your thoughts and watch the world around you begin to change…

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody
P.S. Need more positive influences in your life to start changing your inner mindset and outlook? One of the best things you can begin to do is surround yourself with more positive influences. Simply changing the key people you spend your time with can drastically impact your thoughts and patterns.

I lead a free private FB group specifically with that purpose called Worthy To Be Me.
Even though we’re not in person, we are still a hub and community focused of friendship, faith and uplifting each other through life’s ups and downs–and of course with a positive health focus as well. If you need to up level your surroundings, start by joining my free group online. We’re happy to have you and be an additional source of God’s light, love and positivity in the digital age. 😉

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