What a pain in the butt!! (Literally) How to treat Sciatica at home…

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Shooting, cramping, stinging, electric pain in the butt! And sometimes down your leg. Let me introduce you to sciatica.

If you’re lucky enough to have never been in its grips, good for you!! But chances are you’ve heard others talk about it, or even had someone close to you suffer with it.
And as a physical therapist I’ve been recently treating it A LOT lately, so it occurred to me to pass on some tips to you on how to get it under control at home–and fast!

As terrible and debilitating as the pain can be at its worst, just knowing a few simple home techniques, and how to apply them properly, can DRAMATICALLY reduce the pain. And when you’re suffering, pain relief can’t come fast enough!

But with some very specific actions and techniques you can get an immediate reduction in the pain until it gets better day by day, until it’s eventually gone–And yes, we can help it to be completely gone.

So here’s how to get the low-down.

This Thursday, August 4th @ 6:30pm PST I’m doing a live training call about exactly how to RECOGNIZE, TREAT and RID yourself of sciatica pain–PLUS–I’m including time for live Q&A to help you individually–all for only $99. Wait, strike that. All for just $29!

It’s kind of insane to give away these expert insider techniques for self-treatment and RAPID pain reduction for sciatica for such a minimal cost, but this problem can be so debilitating that I want whoever NEEDS and wants this information, to have a no-brainer price point to get it.

(Oh and yes, I forgot to mention it WILL be recorded if you’re not able to make it live. So if you register, then you will be emailed the recording, you just won’t be able to ask me questions live.) 😉

I love helping as many people as possible with the abundance of knowledge and training that I have, so if this particular training and subject meets your needs, sign up here and I look forward to sharing with you THIS THURSDAY!

Register here. After payment is received, details on how to join the live training call will be emailed to you. 🙂 Chat soon!

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. This training is open to everyone! So if you know a friend or loved one who has been plagued by sciatica on and off for years and never fully able to get it resolved (or maybe is experiencing it now!) please forward this game-changing info to them and share openly on your networks of choice. Thanks for helping me get the word out to help more people! #DrMelody #healthandhopemotivator


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