When God is at work and you feel CRAZY!!! (You’re not alone!)

Have you ever felt like that? When you know God is at work and BIG things are happening but you feel even CRAZIER than normal?!

That’s where I’ve been lately. So many things changing. God working in me and on me in so many ways: Business. Identity. Purpose. Health. Self Esteem. Trust. Reliance. Faith. Whew!

When so much is changing all at once, you’re bound to feel more frazzled. In my case I’ve been implementing so many new habits, reading new books, studying the Bible more, getting ongoing coaching for business and personal development and opening myself up to His guidance and what he really wants from my life, what direction He wants me to go, it can feel like your brain is in a jumble and your heart is unsettled.

But it’s all part of the process.

THIS is truly when faith and trust come in. When it’s time to take it from concept to action.
But we can always rely on God’s promises. For God does not make a promise He does not keep. No matter who you are, what your past is or what you’re going through, God is faithful. The fullest embodiment of the word that no human could ever match (besides Jesus of course.) 😉

“TRUST in the Lord with ALL of your heart. Lean NOT on your own understanding. In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him, and He WILL direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I just finished reading an incredible little book that I highly recommend all about digging into the timeless wisdom of King Solomon and the book of Proverbs. You can check it out here.
It’s called The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon’s Secrets to Success, Wealth, and Happiness. by Steven K. Scott. It has fully spurred me on into committing to an in depth study of Proverbs, deeper than he goes in the book. But the book is definitely the “highlights.” You can snag it on Amazon here if you like.

In the coming weeks and months you will begin to see the fruit of the seeds God is planting inside me. And of course the goal to be sharing and inspiring you and others by how and where He leads me. I will keep you updated for sure!

Where has God been working in your life? Where are you allowing Him to come in and literally change you from the inside out? It’s not always easy, but the reward is always guaranteed. I’d love to hear and love to pray for you and as the process unfolds.
After all, we’re all on this crazy journey of life together. <3

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. On my quest to know God better and more deeply spend time in the Word, I started on a year-long Bible reading plan last week. You can start on any given day since it’s a cyclical year-round plan. If that’s a goal you have for yourself as well, I’d love to have you come join me in a private Facebook group I created just for that purpose. 😉 The plan for January is already posted in the group so you can jump right in. 🙂

P.P.S. If you’re not where you want to be, in any area of your life, and you’re knowing you need support and encouragement, schedule a complimentary Strategy Session with me and let’s get you moving on the path you know God wants for your life.
I’d be honored to be a part of that journey. Schedule here.

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