[Day 2 of 30] Green Smoothies and Lunges

Kicking off Day 2 of my self-imposed 30 Day Self Improvement Challenge – combining a eating plan (The Whole 30) as well as The Miracle Morning routine. Click the links to learn more and to even get started yourself!

Wasn’t too thrilled about getting up early this morning (could the excitement and newness of this challenge already start to wear off??) but I’m doing this to prove to myself that I CAN follow through on commitments and I CAN succeed at whatever I put my mind to!

Finally towards the end of my Miracle Morning routine I was beginning to actually feel more awake, and once I blended up my new pre-made frozen smoothie

green smoothie baggies
6 pre-made bags to freeze
single green smoothie
Mixed greens (kale, spinach, chard), mango, banana and strawberries. Add to blender with chia seeds, OJ and almond milk.

breakfast (see pics), then I was feeling great and was happy to reap the benefits of making myself do something different and felt energized.

Hopefully tomorrow morning I’ll start to feel more awake earlier on…but regardless, I’ve got to do it, knowing the results will come from persistence and commitment.

I made a few quick videos about how to make pre-made awesome green smoothies, as well as a demonstration on how to do proper forward lunges for the exercise portion of my Miracle Morning routine.

Click to watch video on how to properly perform forward lunges.
Click to watch video on how to make pre-made green smoothies.










I’d love your input on what some of your favorite healthy breakfast ideas are, and if you’ve got any questions on exercises or how to modify anything for your given situation, just let me know! The physical therapist in my would love to help! 🙂

P.S. I’d love to connect with you and you can easily do that by Following the blog on the right hand side of the page, or Liking the Fit+Faith Facebook page. See you there!

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