Black Friday Fit+Faith Bonus–4 Days Only!

I hope you had a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving yesterday. We are surrounded by things to be thankful for, especially living in the United States, but sometimes we need to take the time to take a step back to see it from a new perspective.

I went on a great run just shy of 3 miles this morning in the beautiful and crisp New Mexico air. It felt good to work off some extra calories from yesterday’s festivities.

I was thinking of how I could celebrate Black Friday with you and I thought the best thing I could offer was the ability to spend more time with you and truly help you in your faith and fitness.

So in honor of Black Friday, I'm excited to share with you I'm opening UNLIMITED free strategy sessions from today until Monday.

This means that you can get all of your questions answered regarding health strategies, healthy eating questions, joint and muscle queries, mindset for healthy living and/or anything else you’ve got!

Utilizing my knowledge as a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Health Coach with my history in exercise science and nutrition and beyond, I’m leaving it all on the table to be of service to you.

>> Take advantage today and book your free session here. Available today through Monday. <<

I typically open 5 slots 1 or 2 times per month, depending on my availability, but for Black Friday I’m giving an UNLIMITED number of strategy sessions as a free gift to you, to top off your day of deal-busters and super sales! I look forward to chatting, but you’ve gotta book here. 😉


P.S. Only 4 days before we kick off the 31 Day Healthy Holiday Domination! Don’t miss out! Your stress level and waistline will thank you. 😉 Join today!

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