God created us differently than any other animal–we have the power of making CHOICES! [VIDEO]

I was at the beach yesterday watching the pelicans, seagulls, butterflies and bees all fly about and it hit me–the amazing “ah-ha” moment that they live purely by instinct, programmed in their DNA by God’s design.

But WE, humans, are even so much more amazing creatures, as God has given us immense power in the ability to CHOOSE.

And I mean choose EVERYTHING.


All things.

At any time.


In every moment.

When you sit back to realize that your short time on this earth is fully controlled by your own CHOICES, it can be either scary or incredible. Or maybe incredibly scary! Lol

I share more in the video below. Watch and let this inspire and encourage you today.

Let’s celebrate how amazingly beautiful, diverse and powerful we are, when we choose to fully take hold of the opportunities (and choices) all around us.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody
#DrMelody #HealthAndHopeMotivator

P.S. At the end of the video I mention two awesome things coming up, so I want to make sure you’ve got the necessary links to access them. To learn more about BeautifulYOU 1:1 personal coaching with me and to see if it’s the right fit for you, click here to complete the inquiry form.

P.P.S. And if you’d like to jump in on the *flash sale* for my live Sciatica training for only $29 going down TOMORROW, Thursday Aug. 4th @ 6:30pm PST (AND have the recording if you can’t make it live) click here for payment and the call details will be emailed to you. 🙂

Have a beautiful day!!

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