No more ‘playing small’ or apologizing for being YOU!

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It’s time to stop filtering yourself. (And when I say you, I also mean me–I’m almost always talking to myself first before I ever give advice to others. No double standards here!)

Case in point: I’ve been writing blogs, recipes, health tips and managing my public and private Facebook and other social media for Fit+Faith for almost a year now, but I have been afraid to be full out…

I’ve still been holding back. Afraid it will be too much. Too bold. Too cliche etc.

And now I’m done. I’m over it. I’ve got a message God has placed in my heart and a fire in my belly to implore people to succeed and live their BEST LIFE, so I’m not holding back ANY MORE!

If that means I lose some people along the way who don’t want to be inspired, encouraged, motivated or held accountable to live their best life, then so be it.

MY job is to love myself and to love people–every day. That’s it. It’s so simple. Why have I been hiding it?

And how can I do that if I keep it inside? If I don’t use my gifts of encouragement and empathy and if I don’t share my knowledge of health and the body that I spent over $100k and 21 years of my life accruing?? What was it all for?

So I can have a nice degree on the wall and a pat on the back as I write my student loan check???

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Heck no!!

So there you have it. No holds barred. You were created to be unique, beautiful and amazing and God has a perfect plan uniquely designed for you and your gifts and talents. So how are you dimming it down? How are you NOT letting it shine? How are you letting fear and social stigmas dim your light? God created you to be BRIGHT!

Let’s decide that from here on out, nothing else matters except that we’re being true to who God created us to be–in every facet of our life and in every way we can.

>> Final Thought: What would you be doing differently if you decided that enough was enough for you as well? And decided to freely live in the grace and beauty of your true self?

He’s been waiting. 😉

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. As of today, June 11, 2016, I will be doing my part to be true to myself–and that means true to daily encouraging and inspiring you to live your best life and have your best health. I will continue my mid-week Wednesday tips where I specifically share one tip each on Fitness, Faith and Food, but these daily encouragement emails will be led by God’s direction and inspiration.

Let’s see what He’s got in store….

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