Like George Michael says, “Cause you gotta have faith faith faith…”

Faith Blog Post


George Michael’s catchy tune popped into my head today and I couldn’t shake it! Lol

“Cause I gotta have faith faith faith, I gotta have fa-aith….”

Even though in his song he’s not specifically talking about a religious faith, it’s faith nonetheless. And something we all need.

It takes faith if we ever intend to reach higher, achieve bigger dreams and make any sort of leap or change in our lives. Just the faith that things can change, or that we can change or that circumstances can change, all take faith. The belief, without the accompanying evidence, that something will happen.

I want to encourage you today to take a quick self examination–What obstacles are in your path or circumstances that are not what you would like them to be, that you’re needing to have more faith that not only will you make it through, but that you will actually improve and grow because of them?

If it’s hard to imagine a beneficial outcome, you know you’ve gotta up the faith factor.

It is your faith in the unseen that God is looking for and encouraging you to have.
He’s got your back. He sees your current obstacles, but also your future on the other side.

>> Final thought: Do you trust He will see you through? How strong are your faith-muscles today?

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Want more encouragement or inspiration to grow in your faith-walk with God? Head on over to the Fit+Faith blog and I’ve got a whole section for your reading pleasure.

Have a beautiful day. If you have any prayer requests you’d like prayer for, just comment on this blog post and we can chat. It would be my honor to pray for you.

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