Take heart–God is greater than your struggle, greater than your strife

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When life is hard, obstacles seems overwhelming, you can’t see past the current struggle or situation–take heart! God is greater and more powerful than we can imagine.

One of my newest favorite recording artists is Blanca, and her words ring in my ears of her song Greater Is He. (<– click the link to listen)

Greater is He living in me
Than he who is in the world
Whatever may come, His strength is enough
My heart is at peace, for greater is He…

And in His name, giants will fall
And in His name, oceans will part
And in His name, there’s nothing we won’t overcome
This is our God, this is our God

Such a beautiful message of hope, peace and assurance that no matter our circumstances, no matter our current struggle or obstacles, God is bigger than them all.

>>Final thought: Are you at peace amidst your concerns? Are you resting in His name? Or have you given in to the fear that God won’t help, can’t help and you’re alone to fight this battle? “For my yolk is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

Choose to take off the heavy burden and leave it at feet of Jesus. It takes faith and courage, but you can do it. Ask God to envelope you’re in His peace while you weather the storm knowing He is ultimately in control.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I wish you a beautiful Father’s Day tomorrow, and encourage you to view this day not only for honoring your earthly father, but appreciating, reflecting and praising God for being the ultimate example of a loving father. Perhaps take a few quiet minutes to read through the Psalms or Genesis 1 about the beauty, strength and power of our Almighty Father, who has adopted us into his kingdom by the blood of His son Jesus. The most perfect sacrifice given for us, His children. Amen.

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