When “life” happens…God’s response in tough times

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When life gets you down and you feel defeated at every turn…

God says I love you. I care about you. About your struggle. Trust me. Love me back. Have faith that I haven’t left you. Ask for my help. Share with me your pain. Your hurt. Your disappointment. I want to hear from you. Don’t turn to others first and me last. Even if you’re mad at me, I can handle your questions. Your feelings. Your raw emotion. I created you, remember? I knit you together and love you with a passion so strong I sent my son to die for you, to be a perfect sacrifice for you, so we could be together. Let me in. Let me restore. Rest in my presence. Give your burdens to me so I may give you rest. You are worthy. You are enough. You are my beloved daughter.

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. Looking for a safe, loving and encouraging online community to share your struggles and your triumphs? Join us in our free FB group, Worthy To Be Me. You never have to feel alone. Life was meant to be lived in community.

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