Becoming your Best Means not Giving Up–God Calls You to More

Blog Post

Life is a journey. It has highs and lows. But through it all God is with you and beckons you to not give up.

Throughout the Bible we see many instances of triumphs and struggle, and sometimes the desire to quit. To get out of the game. It’s too hard, too demanding, too difficult. Let’s just throw in the towel.

Take Jonah for example. He did NOT want to go to Ninevah and share God’s offering of repentance and forgiveness. He wanted to quit. To give up. To turn his back on God. But a whole nation of people would not have been saved if He did not continue following God’s command and doing what he had been called to do anyway. But it wasn’t easy.

Any large feat in our lives–be it professional, emotional or physical–requires an attitude of perseverance. Of not giving in until we see it through.
The same can be said for our health. If we’re set on conquering a goal or seeing a different picture in the mirror, to be proud of our accomplishment and to feel better on the inside, that victory does not come without effort and continual dedication.

>> Final thought: I encourage you today to get re-connected with any goals, dreams or desires you’ve put by the wayside. Things you feel deep inside you’d like to accomplish or achieve, but haven’t yet made it, or even decided to quit some while back. God wants you to to be victorious. To better fulfill his calling and purpose on your life. And your health is interconnected in your ability to do so.

Make today a new day. To get back up, reset your focus and take the next step toward achieving it. #youreworthit

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. If the goal you’re desiring to achieve is a health or weight loss goal, I can really help you in this area. It’s my expertise. 😉 Take a look at our upcoming 30 Day VIP Challenge that kicks off THIS FRIDAY and see how my VIP community can be just the thing to support and motivate you along your journey.

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