Our Faith + Our Health. How completely interconnected they are…

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I’m coming down from a beautiful heart-awakening women’s retreat this past weekend and letting the new truths and self-discovery settle in and NOT be forgotten.

It’s so easy to have “moments” of insight, but to quickly get back into the daily routine and let them get pushed aside, never fully taking hold for the long-term.

But one of the biggest shifts I had was the realization of how unmistakably interconnected our health and our faith are. God is active in both. Yet we sometimes think we’re in this “health thing” on our own. That God is more of a spectator when it comes to that, since it’s not necessarily directly “spiritual” in nature. But that’s false.

Let me encourage you today:

  • YOU are worth the work and effort to discover your true self.
  • YOU are worthy of living the best life has to offer.
  • YOU are designed with God’s imprint on your heart and soul that is UNIQUE to you. Ask Him to show you how to bring it to life so the desires of your heart are not locked away or left unfulfilled.
  • Take seriously the notion that we only have ONE life on this earth, and it truly can be lived with passion, fulfillment, love and expectation of miracles!
  • God’s love for you will not run dry. He will never stop pursuing you to show you how much He desires to be in relationship with you and to fill the desires of your heart. After all, HE put them there! ♡
  • God can be trusted. He will not fail you. God.is.love.

>> Final Thought: I encourage you today to look at your health journey and goals through a new set of eyes–through God’s eyes. That you are HIS creation. That your pursuits to better your health and improve the body He’s given you are Noble and Worthy causes.

And that God is not dis-connected to your pursuits, He’s cheering you on!

Wanting you to reach your finish line because He knows that will allow you to further your calling and be His hands and feet in the world even more!

Your sister in Christ,
~Dr. Melody

P.S. I’ve been pondering for a while about how to best bring together the HEART and HEALTH transformations that so many of us are seeking. To live a life of PURPOSE, and to feel amazing in our own skin.

To do the inner AND outer work to produce satisfaction, transformation and fulfillment on a SOUL level.

The details are forming….becoming more clear. Keep an eye out. God is showing me an awesome path to help us do just this.

P.P.S. Reply to this email or send me a PM on Facebook if you want to be one of the first to know when it’s ready to be revealed. The interest list is forming. Get ready to unleash the Beautiful You that’s already on the inside. 😉


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