The Missing Link to Your Success
The Missing Link! Woke up this morning with a POWERFUL message that needed to get out: YOU ARE LOVED!!!! But how often are we not really living into the level…
With Jesus, all things are possible! Grow in confidence and self-esteem. Get my Power Prayer Today.
The Missing Link! Woke up this morning with a POWERFUL message that needed to get out: YOU ARE LOVED!!!! But how often are we not really living into the level…
Ugh!! Why did I do that AGAIN?!? I’m so frustrated! Why do we do continue to do things that make us feel icky inside and like a fat blob?! I…
Whew! A very historic Election Day is over! But did it rob your peace? More specifically, have you ALLOWED it to rob your peace? Big difference. Regardless of who you…
We have so many coping mechanisms when we begin to be unhappy. When we begin to lose what makes us happy, what makes us tick on the inside. When we…
Discipline. Not a word we typically like. It conjures negative thoughts like hard work, time and effort, inconvenience, struggle. But it is the key to your success. Which successes, you…